TENZ: Aquarius

Welcome to Aquarius season!

The season of the Star, the Water-bearer, the Exiled. This month we will look at the arc of Aquarius through the five, six and seven of swords. Remember that the 5-7 cards of each suit correspond to the fixed signs of each element. Coppock regards the five of swords, Aqua 1, as the “Mark of the Exile;” the six of swords, Aqua 2, as “Heaven and Earth';” and the seven of swords, Aqua 3, as “the Knot.” More on Coppock’s notes in the live class. Check out the lecture below to prepare for our live session.

Click to access the slides and follow along with the lecture.

Live slides with decanic descriptions here

The text recommendation for this month, which will inform our reading of the Aquarius cards is Red Skin White Masks by Glen Sean Coulthard. I summarize main points in the lecture, but as always, highly recommend!


TENZ: Capricorn


TENZ: Pisces