
The Next Round in

Revolutionary Orientation

TENZ year 2

We continue our astronavigation, determining our course by reference to the stars and other celestial bodies.

TENZ Year 2 or XZY2 continues toward a pedagogy of divinatory acompañamiento, that as a divinatory educator I walk with students through the liminal space of transgressive, decolonial self-actualization in this relational course through the borderlands.

We have done one walk through the minor arcana of the tarot-decans together and we still have so far to go, so much to depth to dive deeper into. While the first year XZ is focused on reading, this year emphasizes writing. In this I invite you to become a writing comadre in that we will approach the writing as dialogic, recursive, democratic, spirit-inflected, and only partially within our conscious control.

I hope to have modeled in the first year, the manner in which the tarot becomes a rich unbound archive, a personal codices, a library of cross-cultural historic thought that can be examined and engaged critically. With XZY2 I continue empowering your ritual relationships, dignity and divinely guided liberatory movement. This year we will collaboratively write the way, we will open and examine new cycles of cosmic coherence, and ritual practices to further and more finely integrate our divinatory mediums.

Now that we have a solid foundation of the most intimate and ancient zodiacal subdivision we can begin expanding our scope.

Class Format

XZY2 will alternatively give space for student presentations of their own decan artistic attunings and uncoverings, as well as medieval Islamicate timing techniques. Amidst the charts of our cohorts we will study:

Solar Revolutions, Fidaria, Monthly Profections, Annual Profections, Secondary Progressions, Heliacal Rising and Setting stars and more! I further aim to deeper integrate limipia tools and techniques such as candle work, reading the flame, and barridas.

Further, year 2 students will be welcome to join any live year 1 classes should / and as they are scheduled, so that deeper analysis, review and regard for the tarot - decan - critical coding syncretization is done. The goal through this cumulative work is to empower your voice, your reading and your writing as a critical diviner. I want to us to continue sharing authority, teaching and learning from each other and encouraging each other through this revolutionary moment.

Suggestions for Student Presentations

I would suggest seeing this as choosing a decan group(s) you feel called to deepen a relationship, if not outright setting an intention to create your own personalized artistic translation for the entire decan wheel. Research the Gods / Spirits associated with each Decan, lay out the cards of the decan, consider them in your own chart and then find and commit to a form.

Examples include:

- Poetry / prose / essays for each decan. Consider the texts already recommended, expanding, responding &/or critiquing, or alternatively choosing your own texts that resonant with the decan group. Remember texts can include any popular media as well as literary texts. 

- Painting, collaging, planting, jewelry making, perfume making. 

- Sharing reflexive magical / ritual experiential activity. You could try doing timed elections, invocations, petitions, and reporting and reflecting back to the group through the lens of each card / decan. 

-Please make these findings / artistic renderings / translations and experiential discoveries presentable (ie upload images to slides or pdf or something else).

The class is still cut into 12 monthly units, following the cards / decans of the current zodiacal season, which cuts the zodiac down to a finer grain (36 distinct faces versus 12). Students will sign up for decan group to present in the last decan of each season while the other class of the season will focus on one of the timing techniques / alternate subjects mentioned above. Thus we will have 2 classes each zodiacal season, 1 student presentation and 1 on advanced timing techniques. We will leave some flex room for follow up classes on any subject that may require more than one meeting, I am also making available my series of classes on the Planets, their nature and their decans available as pre-recorded material for this course. These 7 classes illuminate the threads of decan across sign and present soem radical considerations beyond what is examined in the year 1 lectures.

And so here are 32 more classes offered in total!

Classes will take place on Sundays or Mondays, twice a zodiac season, from 3-5 pm PT (though subject to change based upon the collective availability). These will be held via Zoom and are recorded for future reference, and to ensure students who can’t make it live, are kept current. Once enrolled you will gain access to the lectures and presentations, and invitations to live classes, exclusive texts, and a private discord channel.

Please note this is only available to students who have completed TENZ year 1 (XZ).

Retake this course?
Retaking this course from the beginning will reset all of your tracked progress.

YEAR 2 Of A 2


The first year, XZ, is focused on reading, and learning both the tarot and the decans. XZy2, shifts the emphasis to writing. This container is intimate, personal and revelatory. It will uncover your natal chart and major timings in the book of life while teaching you to do the same for your clients. It will empower your magical practices to help you fortify your energy bodies, manifest and keep your spaces (body and home) protected and cleansed.

Please note this is only available to students who have completed TENZ year 1 (XZ). Learn more about year 1 here

Follow the Firmament

TENZ year 2
One time
For 12 months

You are sure to establish a tarot practice that is anchored in astrological historic cosmic coherence. It will make your divination practice much more nuanced. Each month we cover everyone’s chart one house, one planet and placement at a time, providing ongoing counseling, collaborative consideration, & cathartic ritual. Payments can be processed on automatic monthly basis once you sign up, or in-full upfront for discount.