A Course In Decolonial, Divinatory Literacy.

Taught online via Zoom by Christopher Marmolejo

11 week intensive, Feb 18 - April 29 / Tuesdays, 5:30pm pst

“For Me—A Writer In The Last Quarter Of The Twentieth Century, Not Much More Than A Hundred Years After Emancipation, A Writer Who Is Black And A Woman— The Exercise Is Very Different. My Job Becomes How To Rip That Veil Drawn Over “Proceedings Too Terrible To Relate ” The Exercise Is Also Critical For Any Person Who Is Black, Or Who Belongs To Any Marginalized Category, For Historically, We Were Seldom Invited To Participate In The Discourse Even When We Were Its Topic” -Toni Morrison

How do you read tarot? How do the cards decolonize the psyche, the self and the querent? How does the tarot as an aesthetic object engage a process of cultural transformation that will ultimately create a revolution in vision? How can tarot take us away from the real only to bring us back with renewed perception? Find the dignity in divination that is denied in dominator culture. 

Thresholds offers a comprehensive tarot education in red reading. This is not an appropriated, aka white-washed new age spirituality. This is a course that moves toward the invention of the decolonized self, as it seeks to set our imaginations free. This course will vivify your tarot cards and your divinatory reading so that your experience within the course, and thereafter your cartomancy can heal the psychic wound inflicted by assault from the forces of imperialist, racist, classist, sexist, domination.

We will work together to enter the subconscious, the dream space, the heart center, the soul spheres via the portals offered in each card. Thresholds teaches tarot as a literacy of the heart and soul. I am committed to both providing a technical proficiency with the structure, varied meanings and uses of the tarot, in reading for self and others, while also using the cards as a tool for critical self-inquiry as a byproduct of a communal process. I offer this course as a humanizing education, through which you become conscious about your presence in the world, to then transform the world.

In the cards find the lost reflections of your love, your strength and resiliency. In the cards confront your fear, your pain, your potential.  Thresholds is a course in threading the disparate cords of consciousness into a rich tapestry of life. This is a course in transformation, magic, manifestation, healing, ritual and decolonization. 

But it is so much more than a course.

It is a classroom, it is a conjuring, a vehicle, an incubator, a threshold through tarot towards transformation. It is a space of emancipatory possibility, designed and facilitated by the love and passion I have for my craft and my community. It is a witches garden in the 3 of cups, and a safe haven in the 3 of pentacles. You will learn tarot differently because this classroom will teach you how to think through the tarot, rather than rely on memorized meanings to spout. Thresholds will catalyze your divinatory relationships because it engages the cards as cyphers for decolonizing consciousness. The cards will be made real as we catalogue the wisdom distilled from our experience with them. Thresholds is for you if you want to create an authentic, organic, empowering and revelatory relationship with SPIRIT through tarot.  It is for you if you are Black, Red, Brown and or White and want to unlearn anti-blackness and deject the internalized white supremacy. It is for you if you want to use tarot as a prothesis to mend the ruptures of colonialism upon our birthright to richly intuitive, animate, multivalent divinatory psychic faculty.

Thresholds reads tarot as a theory of multidimensional freedom, and practices that freedom through queer community building. This course is a space to learn together, to challenge un/conscious conditioning, to be witness to moments of revelation, which such a tarot reading offers.

In this way it is perfect for beginners and seasoned readers alike. This is course is a study in consciousness, it is a movement practice. We spiral in this course. We circle around as the stars and planets do, and as we syncretize the cards with the cosmos we come to understand the soul’s process, to heed celestial cues. It is perfect for astrologer’s who wish to expand their divinatory literacy, while finely braiding the cards into their practice. 

My classroom is distinct also in its engagement of critical consciousness. The cards are neurological pivots, subverting the logical dominance of society and self. The cards are taught as tools to reengage alternative epistemologies assaulted by colonial imperialism. Here tarot is taught as a radical epistemology.  My practice is soul-centered to primarily and powerfully transform the objectified, the oppressed into the self composed of very rich multivalent relationships. Come to explore the potential of reading the soul, discerning the subtle cosmic threads which connect all things. Discover an alternative learning, a transformative tool and experience. It is a course engaged in the ontological and historical vocation of becoming more human, by offering you a mirror to see with more clarity, respect and agency.

As my style of teaching is socratic and dialogic, I will be the psychopomp facilitating our soul journey in our time together. Live classes are focused on application and skill development in reading. In the live class we cover special subjects as timing and tarot, the cards of the chart, reversals, shadow work and more! This time is for digging deeper into the week's material, sharing perspectives, conducting group readings and sharing space.

In class we will establish a ritual space, and together will cross the thresholds, learning what it means to transform in community. 

Transform Collective Consciousness

Read The Soul, Open Your Eyes To The Numinous, Gain A Tool For Transformation.

Thresholds is medicine for those who are lost, alienated, or who’ve been cast aside. Those who navigate a myriad of attacks upon their selfhood. Those who were born subversive, those on the path of self-determination, persisting because there's no place for self-hood within dominant white culture or white cultural consciousness. It is for astrologers, tarot readers beginning and experienced alike, for yoginis, queer bois, femmes, butch babes. It is for teachers and counselors, writers and readers of all kinds. 

Thresholds is designed for those at the critical edge of life, navigating extreme uncertainty. It’s for those who may or may not realize their embodiment is a resolution of the history of colonial imperialism. Those seeking to learn the tarot from a decolonized, intersectional perspective and apply that perspective into a praxis of liberated self-exploration and renewed self-expression. Thresholds is an experiential guide in transmuting trauma into love. 

It is for those who seek to decolonize, learn tarot, deepen a ritual practice, and strengthen the intuitive channel. This course for anyone who wishes to catalyze an ever more authentic expression within a safe and inclusive community. 

This course seeks to use tarot as a means to transgress internalized oppression, seeking ontological decolonization as its highest aim. By that I mean uplifting the cosmic order possible when we elevate and center the divine, queer, black and brown beings of this earth. Thresholds promises to facilitate radical physical-psychic change in the self of each student, the various worlds in which we exist, and to which we aspire. 

This Is An Opportunity Of A Lifetime.

Retake this course?
Retaking this course from the beginning will reset all of your tracked progress.

What you’ll learn

    • The cards as signposts for the stages of the souls journey

    • Astrology behind each card, including Decan association for minors

    • Timing and tarot

    • Shadow keys for the cards

    • The structure of an ethical, comprehensive reading

    • Personal cards / signifiers

    • Clarifying cards

    • Reversals

    • Herbal associations

    • Journal prompts

    • Psychology

    • Multicultural mythology

    • Numerology

    • Queer, black eco-feminist text application and recommendation 

    • Ritual recommendations

    • Unique spreads for each week

    • There are pre-recorded modules covering every single card in the tarot via a numerological grouping / teaching/ understanding. The prep material includes 11 workbooks with journal prompts, herbal associations, decanic associations and unique spreads.

    • Also included are critical texts, podcasts, and resources for each week to deepen the reading of each tarot archetype. Please purchase my new book Red Tarot: A Decolonial Guide to Divinatory Literacy in text &/ or audio form for the full experience and lesson in red reading.

    • There are a total of 11 live video classes, each around 2.5 -3 hours, which are now provided as transcriptions as well! These classes are workshops where we apply tarot techniques, read group spreads, Q&A and build community. In the live calls you get personalized feedback to develop your relationship with the tarot, and your competency as a reader.

    • You’ll have life-time access to this material, allowing students to participate at their own pace, or follow the guided structure of the live sessions.

    • The standard edition has over 50 hours of live/ recorded content available for lifetime access.

    • The live classes are recorded and archived for your benefit. Please note times may be subject to change to accommodate the various time zones of students.

    • Keep building community by getting access to a private Discord server for the class, which offers student recommendations, resources, insights and live interaction.

    • All material and a recording of your cohort’s live classes are yours to keep forever!

  • Week 0 - Tuesday Feb 18, 5:30pm, Zoom

    • Introductions, Orientations & Entry points - Ritual Relationships, Interpretation Tools, The Fool, Personal Cards

    • Reading: Red Tarot: A Decolonial Guide to Divinatory Literacy Introduction, The Red Read

    Week 1 - Tuesday Feb 25, 5:30pm, Zoom

    • Lecture:The Magician, The Wheel of Fortune, Pages, Elemental Ace’s

    • Seminar: Visual readings, Significators, the Question

    • Reading: Red Tarot ‘One” chapter; Speaking in Tongues: A Letter to 3rd World Women Writers, by Gloria Anzaldúa 

    Week 2 - Tuesday March 4, 5:30pm, Zoom

    • Lecture :The High Priestess, Justice, Judgment, the Hanged One, Elemental Two’s

    • Seminar: Magnifiers, Bottom of the Deck, Reversals, Critical Questioning exercise

    • Reading: Red Tarot ‘Two” chapter; The Esoteric Meaning of the Twin Pillars Boaz & Joachin / audio of Toni Morrison’s Nobel Lecture in Literature

    Week 3 - Tuesday March. 11, 5:30pm, Zoom

    • Lecture: The Empress, Death, Queens, Elemental Threes

    • Seminar: Cards of the Natal Chart/ Decanic organization of the minors.

    • Reading: Red Tarot ‘Three” chapter; Learning the Grammar of Animacy, Robin Wall Kimmerer/ The Colonization of Women excerpt by Marie Mies and Vandana Shiva

    Week 4 - Tuesday March 18, 5:30pm, Zoom

    • Lecture: The Emperor, Temperance, Kings, Elemental Fours

    • Seminar: The Four Aces Spread

    • Reading: Red Tarot ‘Four” chapter; “the Closet as Myth” Excerpt from De-colonizing Trans/Gender 101 by B. Binaohan

    Week 5 - Tuesday, March 25, 5:30pm, Zoom

    • Lecture: The Hierophant, The Devil, Elemental Fives

    • Seminar: Timing & Tarot, the Structure of a Safe & Powerful Reading

    • Reading: Red Tarot ‘Five” chapter; The Wounded Word: The Phenomenology of Prayer by Jean-Louis Chrétien

    Week 6 - Tuesday, April 1, 5:30pm, Zoom

    • Lecture: The Lovers, the Tower, Elemental Sixes

    • Seminar: Lauren’s Love Spread

    • Reading: Red Tarot ‘Six” chapter;  World Traveling and Loving Perception by María Lugones
      “Remaking Human Being: Loving Kaleidoscopic Consciousness in Helena Maria Viramontes’ Their Dogs Came with Them” By Paula M.L. Moya

    Week 7 - Tuesday, April 8, 5:30pm, Zoom

    • Lecture: The Chariot, The Star, Kings, Elemental Sevens

    • Seminar: Star Guides Series & Shadow Keys part 1*

    • Reading: Red Tarot ‘Seven” chapter; Toward a Pedagogy of Acompañamiento: Mexican Migrant Youth Writing from the Underside of Modernity by Enrique Sepulveda III

    Week 8 - Tuesday, April 15, 5:30pm, Zoom

    • Lecture: Strength, The Moon, Elemental Eights

    • Seminar: Star Guides & Shadow keys part 2*

    • Reading: Red Tarot ‘Eight” chapter; Bi bell: Spirituality and the Sexual Intellectual

    Week 9 - Tuesday, April 22, 5:30pm, Zoom

    • Lecture: The Hermit, The Sun, Elemental Nines

    • Seminar: Star Guides & Shadow Keys part 3*

    • Reading: Red Tarot ‘Nine” chapter;  Audre Lorde: Uses of the Erotic: The Erotic as Power

    Week 10 - Tuesday, April 29, 5:30pm, Zoom

    • Lecture: The World, The Fool review, Elemental Tens

    • Seminar: Collective Threshold Reading

    • Reading: Red Tarot ‘Ten” chapter

Meet your instructor

Meet your instructor ✳

Chris Marmolejo

As a queer, brown de-tribalized native from an under-resourced, marginalized community, I came to tarot already transgressing the status quo. Tarot has helped me hone that transgressive power and in Thresholds I teach you to do the same. I bring to it my formal pedagogical training in critical race theory, my experience as an English teacher with a Masters in Education, working with students of all ages. I bring to it my training and education in astrology as well as my experience in private consultations as a professional diviner. I seek not to reform colonial institutions but to create thriving communities outside conventional society.

My journey as an educator has evolved with my spiritual practice, and as the institutional classroom ultimately could not accommodate the truth of my students spiritual self-hoods, for which I am compelled to advocate for, I continue this work on the margins of such institutions. I am committed to the idea that education must be provided for those whom these institutions fail, push out, deny, criminalize. The Spirit is often suffocated in traditional classes, because educators perpetuate the violence of white supremacy. It's hard to find good teachers of any tradition, but perhaps most critical are the teachers of spiritual traditions like yoga, tarot, astrology, meditation. Often the potent medicine of the craft is distorted through a lens of appropriation and capitalism. Often there is a course that promotes content-mastery but no humility nor skillful intimacy. My knowledge of the craft of teaching, creates a testifiably safe and inclusive class experience. 

Thresholds uses tarot to expand our personal reading and imaging of freedom. As such I use this course as a nahual, a being who learns to transform into a truer, endlessly creative expression of the total Self. This course is a guide for you to do the same. This course will engage your radical imagination, designed to increase your agency and your ability to liberate your form with a clear articulation of that new being. 

Course FAQ

  • Our first live class will be Feb 18th at 5:30 pm PST.

    Please note times may be subject to change to accommodate the various time zones of students.

    Classes will be recorded in case you ever can’t make a class!

  • Forever! You’ll have 24/7 access to all course content as it’s released and a copy of your live cohort!

  • Payment plans are available!

    (scroll below to sign up)

    Feel free to email with any other questions you may have about this course.

  • You will need to download and install Zoom to participate in our classes. I highly recommend purchasing Red Tarot: A Decolonial Guide to Divinatory Literacy to accompany your learning experience. (students will get a discount code for the book after enrolling) The only other thing needed is your own tarot deck of course! Let me know if you need any recommendations, or feel free to check out my blog to see the variety of decks I work with regularly. No other material or experience is required for the course!

  • Well first, any one that calls to you! But here’s a list of some of my favorites:

    Mahogany Tarot 

    Smith-Waite Deck, Centennial Edition

    Afro-Avatar Tarot

    Tarot Yohualli Ehécatl

    Pagan Otherworlds Tarot 

    Botan Tarot

    Star Spinner Tarot

    Terra Volatile Tarot

  • Absolutely not! My experience as an English teacher has taught to me craft the course to be accessible for beginners and experienced readers alike. Though, I promise you’ve never seen an integrated intersectional teaching of tarot like



  • This course is designed for you! If you’ve always wanted to learn tarot but have trouble learning from “the little white book” then this course will give you a comprehensive understanding to all Tarot has to offer.

Your work on the tarot is truly revolutionary, unlike anything else out there. So blessed to learn from you💫
— Naji T.

Check Out What My Students Have To Say About Threhsolds:

  • “The beauty and grace of the way you teach is infectious and makes your students feel safe, comfortable and willing to learn.

    Thank you for your kindness, generosity, giving spirit and devotional soul. Its deeply felt in everything you do <3"

  • “I cherish my time in class. I’ve been in Christopher’s classes for a few years now & I find that it’s my safe space to be with deep psychological & worldly material. Chris presents in a way that’s so cutting edge.

    Their teaching comes from the roots interwoven with embodied knowledge, divinity, devotion, & the funnest venusian/jovial flair. It’s a space where everyone has a place & a voice.

    Chris’s containers create a lighthouse where I’m continuously wowed by the people that are drawn in. I learn so much from EVERYONE. The class is well organized & there’s always an opening to ask questions if something is not understood. Their book, Red Tarot, is something I come back to daily. I pull tarot everyday & whenever I re-read about the cards I’ve pulled, Chris’s words seem to always open up something profound. It’s truly a text of keys to liberation. I always love at the end of class when each person gets to discuss cards they’ve pulled for a spread that Chris creates because it creates a portal of healing, enlightenment, and being truly seen. I owe my tarot literacy to Chris. I came in a few years ago with basic tarot knowledge but was struggling to give my divination roots & vitality. I look to Chris as my mentor & thank spirit everyday that we have crossed paths in this lifetime. They have helped me bring my passion for the divinatory arts to my professional life & guided me to my start of doing readings for the public. Chris has a revolutionary take on tarot that my soul knew I needed but didn’t know existed. It’s deep and liberatory. These classes & talks with Chris have been my saving grace in many instances & I encourage anyone who wants to cultivate a deep, beyond meaningful relationship with tarot & spirit in general to take the leap & take Christopher’s classes."

  • “I loved how interactive our class time together was (as opposed to a lecture over Zoom with strangers I never talk to), & the variety of techniques we were asked to try out in describing/reading the cards pulled for us each week.

    I appreciated that class always opened by dropping in with the white fire. It made the space feel sacred & strong. I found the consistent class structure really helpful as it allowed me to create systems for myself that helped me feel well-prepared for what could come up in class.

    You deepened our capacities in both reading the cards & structuring a reading (spreads, space, creating questions, etc.) each session. You did a beautiful job of creating a welcoming space & fostering community in our class!

    It was incredible that many of us felt comfortable being so vulnerable with people we've only met or talked to over screens. It's a true testament to the kind of space you have curated<3

    This course was transformational for my relationship with tarot, divination, & self! I appreciated the regular reminders to analyze the cards as you would any visual text & to not always get so caught up in the ‘traditional’ meanings of the cards.

    These reminders helped me to strengthen my visual reading skills & remember that the symbols within the images are the anchors for my thoughts in the reading. Watching the lectures and reading Red Tarot (& continuously re-reading it) has expanded my interpretations of all of the cards.

    It has given me new confidence in creating my own spreads & questions, something that has always felt daunting in the past. I also really appreciated being introduced to how the minor arcana cards correlate to the decans of the zodiac.

    This class has helped me do some important self-reflection around moving in integrity with my values, where I have internalized oppressive ideas & repressed my true desires, & how I sometimes get in my own way.

    Lauren's love spread’ & the shadow star reading series in particular brought up some apt mirrors that I am continuing to work with & through. Overall, I feel that my knowledge of the cards has deepened & my intuition about their uses & interpretations have grown much stronger over these past weeks.

    I've already started praising you in other places, but I'll gladly continue here :) You did a beautiful job of holding our space together! I appreciated the ways you fostered community through checking in at the beginning & utilizing seminar for a major part of the class.

    Opening the class with white fire & often closing it with a deep breath created such a strong, sacred container for our work. I loved how supportive you were of everyone as we read the cards for ourselves & each other, praising our unique skills as readers & giving kind feedback.

    I appreciated that you added your own interpretation of the cards to further enrich our conversations about them. I truly admire the authenticity & passion I saw in your facilitating. It further encouraged & inspired me to be the radically authentic educator that I want to be"

  • “Our live classes were a weekly anchor, a grounding, a return to a space for learning & processing, seeing and being seen, listening and being heard. So much richness inhabits the cards upon hearing our diverse experiences & readings of them. “Approaching the Tarot through shared readings in this way opens its potential beyond anything I could have imagined prior to experiencing it. The shadow series we did was life-changing for many of us. Laying out our birth charts using the cards’ decanic associations opened me up to astrology, which I was a complete beginner to, in a way that resonated deeply with me.

    I’m so grateful to Chris for holding this space every week, & for everyone who made up our weekly circle. This was the first time I was able to find a safe, discursive, and expansive community in this way.

    I found this course life-changing. It is a threshold in recovering lost parts of your soul. I feel like I am emerging out of this course the Fool, fresh with purpose, wonder, & faith. The cards emerge as keys for reading & integrating personal & collective wounds, patterns, & shifts. They create a threshold for illuminating invisible structures, imaging new possibilities, & creating a collective truth towards the Wheel’s turning. My tarot wisdom broadened not only in my understanding of the cards, but in my ability to apply them beyond myself, & to understand the two are not separable. Our collective readings created the space for the recovery of parts of myself I was struggling to find on my own. Moreover, finding space in a community was extremely healing for me personally. As someone who struggles with visibility, the decision to undertake this course was a huge challenge, & it taught me the gift in choosing to be seen, & choosing to be in community.

    Prior to this course, I had been reading Tarot for a few years, but I wasn’t confident in reading for others and my knowledge felt patchy around certain cards. I’m leaving with a solid understanding that allows me to comfortably read for other people, & the cards have come to life in a new way, as mirrors for magic, for Spirits, & for messages.

    The lectures in this course offered a wealth of information. Through the numerological & astrological structure of the lectures, a clear system emerged for me that allowed the cards to become reflective for a broader journey. This helped me get comfortable applying the cards to a broader range of situations, whether personal, a client’s, or collective. This course complimented the book’s poetic literacy beautifully. The lectures gave me the structural keys to unlock the richness & broadness of the book’s scope, & the live sessions then allowed us to anchor these ideas back in our lives. These parts of the course bring together the personal & political into a decolonial epistemology practiced through divination, a map towards finding our place in the world’s cycles. As well as providing astrological, symbolic, mythological, and intuitive wisdom on each given card, the lectures weaved the cards into a story. These materials also provided a huge amount of further reading, themed numerological spreads, ritual ideas, journal prompts, and herbal associations which will allow me to keep delving deeper into the cards long after the course’s end.

    You held the space beautifully. I really appreciated the ritual opening of the space each week, & it inspired me to do the same in my own practice. The facilitation of the readings was beautiful & dialogic, often opening up a much broader scope to my readings. I noticed you have a great ability to remember things about people, & see them very fully and authentically.

    There was always space for everyone’s exploration of their own diverse experiences. I especially appreciated your ability to hold and make space for me as someone with special educational needs, & your flexibility in creating structures that allowed me to participate as fully as possible. I feel very grateful to have learned from such a wonderful teacher, writer, and reader.

    This course really activated my thirst for tarot, for seeking truth, and for embodying my authentic place in the world.

  • “It was great to be able to do this asynchronous (though I wish I could have attended live), I really appreciated the time & care you gave to everyone. You created a wonderful 10 of Cups space.”

  • “Thank you so much for all you have shared with us through your book, recorded lectures & live sessions. I am deeply grateful to learn from & with you & I am grateful for how your knowledge sharing is changing my life.”

  • “i would describe my relationship to tarot before this class as flat; i knew i wanted to go deeper but i didn't know where to turn. it seems like every other book starts from the beginning, which is an admirable place to be but not where i was. this class has changed my relationship to tarot to where i care less about ‘proving’ it works & that im' not crazy to others & more about being in my deep feeling. i used to pull just 3 card spreads for the day, & now i pull 5. this class made me realize the flatness i was feeling was because i was trapped in linear, western conceptions of time & value, and quite frankly, being brainwashed by the ethos of my hypercapitalist workplace. i now anchor my readings in an ancestral framework & aim to answer questions central to liberation. You are such a role model & i look forward to rereading the book & taking more courses in the future <3”

  • “I have been so impressed by the quality of teaching. The classes far reached my expectations and I am so glad this was the first tarot class space I have been privileged enough to join. I have thoroughly enjoyed Chris’ teaching style. The emphasis on each student to get involved- where every week we contribute & receive immediate feedback from both Chris & classmates, was brilliant. Chris gives immaculate feedback & is very encouraging. I love that the class is organised with separate lectures & the brilliant additional reading, which may not always be directly related to tarot, but incapsulate the theme of the week. Classes have been very well organised, always occurring on time. Moreover, the coherence & great amount of thought put into every aspect of the course is evident. These classes not only taught me how to embrace intersectional approaches to tarot, but also was a great example in how to approach teaching & holding space as an educator. The course has helped rekindle & fire up my practice in a really evident manner. Whilst I may have self taught & at various times engaged in reading for others at events & etc. this class has now given me the impetus to make the step to properly give offerings.

    Chris has also provided me with sound advice about how I can engage in tarot offerings in my local community. Getting over the inertia & finally having the confidence to do this work has been accelerated by my engagement with these classes. Thank you for this :).

    I loved the pre recorded material, as it allowed me to feel prepared for the classes. Furthermore, they were a good way to ground into my learning during the week, so I still felt like I was able to space out my engagement with the teachings in the lead up to class. I loved the pre recorded material, as it allowed me to feel prepared for the classes. Furthermore, they were a good way to ground into my learning during the week, so I still felt like I was able to space out my engagement with the teachings in the lead up to class."

  • “Your style of teaching is raw & attentive. In a world where it feels like so many play safe on the outskirts of relaying information you cut straight to the reality of what we're analyzing. It calls into question where we are in relation to what we're analyzing in the cards. It can be a little intense but I think that speaks to the reality of what it is reading tarot. Tarot is direct & descriptive & even in your face at times. The way you teach feels like meeting this form of divination on it's terms. I wouldn't want it to be any different. ”

  • “What's left to say except for gratitude? You have helped me level up my consciousness, connect me to community, & guided me through my own personal transformation with tarot. It is not just a part of my daily ritual but it is an integration into the whole, a new way of navigating the world... I appreciated taking time to tune in each class, check in, & allow moments for everyone to come to voice. I love how you encourage each individual to express their thoughts without judgement, highlighting the innate wisdom in our own unique experiences. I loved the spreads that confronted me with aspects of myself that I hadn't faced directly or spoken out loud.

    I loved these soul based prompts that opened up new personal universes, touching one star & seeing thousands more light up. I cherished the wisdom you shared from your teachers, especially highlighting bell hooks, Octavia Butler, Rumi, & countless others.

    Bringing y(our) own cultural understanding to tarot was a treasure, something I hold dearly. Your passion for this work is a gift in itself.

    Your fire ignites others. I am honored & deeply humbled to have shared this space with you, & to witness you in your power.“

  • Christopher did a great job creating and maintaining the container for the group: establishing a reverent space, spurring the group on or slowing us down as needed. Thresholds completely transformed my relationship to tarot. It brought me into a fresh, living relationship with my intuitive capacity to engage my deck, and nurtured my confidence in my ability to trust my cards and my interpretive ability.

    I gave you this feedback in our individual reading but let me commit it to print! I can't tell you how much I appreciate the way that you nurture and challenge your students. As an educator myself I hadn't had many examples of someone who weaves in a breadth of resources while engaging with the students so intimately and lovingly. I felt supported, seen, and invited into the highest and most authentic expression of myself, with the blessing of the tarot as a vehicle for my own and others' development and integration. You are evidently in integrity and living your purpose, and this permeates the educational environment as its own way of drawing out your cohort's divinity. Quite a bit of this course content went right over my head, but I am also so grateful for the ability to revisit the modules and deepen my understanding over time (which I fully intend to do). The multivalent teachings available in the Thresholds course let us learn from one another as we learned from you. This requires a special relationship to your power, Christopher, which you have honed and hold with great responsibility and accountability. I cannot emphasize my gratitude enough. This course has been such a nourishing bright spot for me over the past few months and has nurtured me so much and brought me so much joy. My time (like everyone's time) is precious and has many demands on it, but this course was something that I did just for me, and it brought me immense, unbridled joy. In Buddhism we talk about our "root teacher," the one who is the foundation for a student's relationship with Dharma. I am honored to claim you, Christopher, as my root teacher for tarot and am looking forward to living into your Red Tarot lineage. If you come to Boston or need anything that I could help or support with, say the word! I am 100% down for Team Christopher Marmolejo.

  • Thresholds is an initiatory crucible. Chris has crafted the content with devotion and visionary brilliance, and facilitates with care, warmth, discernment and humor. They are skilled in creating conditions for the emergence of real connections and community among the students, and a real intimacy and trust developed in our cohort that made the experience deeply nourishing for me.

    I feel rooted now in both comprehensive knowledge of these archetypes and an in intuitive facility with the tarot. The experience developed and deepened my trust in my divinatory capacities, my connection to gnostic insight and my ability to translate and share these gifts. My personal relationship with tarot has become much more inspired and supportive as well, and it's now a consistent, daily companion.

    Thank you Chris for a beautiful experience. Will see you in Cartier Club one of these months, and someday will take another deep dive program with you. Sending blessings for 2025 <3

  • I've participated in a lot of online learning containers, and I was incredibly impressed with how Christopher held intentional, educational, integrative, and joyous space every week for ritual, community, and group reflection. This cohort SHOWED UP every week, and made Thresholds even more transformational through shared experience with the tarot cards.

    This intensive in Red reading couldn't have come at a more synchronistic time for me and my professional tarot and astrology practice development. I had moved away from tarot a bit since I started studying the language of astrology a few years ago, but now I have a much better grasp of the astrological associations with each card, and it has deepened my connection to both forms of divination. I now read tarot through a more expansive, multivalent, liberatory lens. I'm connecting with and reading the art and symbol of each card more intentionally and creatively. Decolonial literacy will be integral to my writing and exploration of the cards going forward. Thank you.

  • You are very thoughtful, open, and honest. I felt very welcomed in the space that you provided. You ensured that everyone had enough time and didn't feel rushed.

    I really enjoyed the live classes and hearing all the different perspectives and experiences helped contribute to my overall understanding of tarot and the course material. I liked the shadow key pieces and felt it was a very reflective and personal experience that required intensive journaling on my own. Hearing your read for myself and for others was enlightening. I feel much more connected with the cards and my personal decks of choice. I am consulting my cards a lot more and journaling on the reads more often than I had in the past. Understanding the minor arcana suits and their connection to body, mind, emotion, and spirit has helped me listen to my own self better and reflect more on my well being.

    Honestly, the lecture notes and material should be another book you write. It helped me understand the cards and the connecting points a lot better.

  • I loved the live classes so much, getting to know my cohorts and listen to the Chris's knowledge seep into everything was brilliant. My favourite part was how although each of us were allowed to hone our skills we still had Chris guiding us through each of the cards. I feel rich with knowledge from my classmates and Chris. I was also accommodated in being able to attend from bed, lie down and rest while still participating in class. Always a huge win for accessibility!

    I feel a lot more knowledgeable of all the cards now, but the biggest take away for me was that I feel that each of the cards are my friends. I have love and understanding for each of the cards and the people in them (I was working with the Smith-Waite tarot for the class despite using many decks). They all feel like part of community for me. A richness I did not have when joining this class, nor did I expect to have. A really welcome kinship developed with me and my cards, along with the knowledge I gained through Thresholds.

    I loved the way the class was structured as it worked very well with my brain. I loved the lecutures and reading the books and taking the class. A perfect fit for me.

  • I'm so grateful to have been able to take this class. I'm at a strange and transformative time of my life, and deepening my relationship with the tarot is exactly what I needed. Chris, your understanding of the tarot and the spiritual lens through which you see the tarot is one of my favorites ever. I've gained so much from the time I was able to spend with this material and I feel it naturally aligned with the personal growth I'm doing right now. I'm also so so glad that I will have continued access because it is certainly something I will return to over and over again. There was a huge amount of information covered and it was more than I could have asked for! The pre-recorded materials and homework assignments were my favorite part of class! I really appreciated that there were transcripts included.

  • The classes were a gift really, I found myself swimming through the cards and everyone's associations. I enjoyed a lot the practice of getting a card everyday, and the challenge of having to become a narrator so that we could connect the topics that were spoken before our turn with the card. This activation by being put on spot is a state that contains a lot of expansion, and finding the truth in that feels refreshing, truly a co-creation space.

    I loved the techniques and tools you shared with us. The pre-recorded is an essential part of the course. I think it is very accessible to have the powerpoint and the recording together. The texts chosen to share are just so well curated. Special mention to the "The closet as a myth"!

    This course just expanded my capacity for literacy, both as a creator but also as a reader myself. It taught me a way of relating matter (Pictures, symbols and actions) with argumentation of the social, the political and of course the personal. It taught me a new way of witnessing, a more liberated one.

    Personally, it taught me how to be a student again, and sparkled the curiosity and thrive for learning. It made space and showed me that learning is a space for conversation where there is a certain duty and respect towards the topic and content of the course. It made me think critically and question more. And in that questioning, made me curious to be more precise about what I am asking, and how I am asking it. It showed me how a question can dismantle authoritarianism, how it can empower the student, how it can become the tower and the star, and last, how a question can become a border in means of connection and movement.

    I wanna say thank you for providing us a space of intimacy and politics, thanks so much for the vulnerability and strength and the generosity to share your practice with us and being flexible and letting it adapt to our needs. I loved how you opened the circle and closed it by making us stay in our bodies regardless of how hard it may have been to do so considering the times this course was happening in.

Ready to Cross the Threshold?

Tuition Options:

Full Tuition:

The full cost of Thresholds is $1,500 upfront or via a payment plan. You may have noticed a noticeable increase in tuition and after some students encouragement, I have decided to again offer this course at this rate, as I have before, but with some more options for communal accessibility.

This work supports Queer Brown & Indigenous intellectual labor, teaching and being. I am a nonbinary, independent educator working against capitalism devaluation and exploitation. Further, as testified by my students, this is akin to a graduate level course but far more juicy! This work is one-of-a-kind, and we go far deeper in our studies than you may find elsewhere, including collegiate institutions (which also have included my work as part of doctorate curriculum), and I provide you with a plethora of resources to meaningfully engage your learning. 

This is an investment into your intuition, and your overall well-being within the safe container of community. I have invested my Spirit, education, and experience into this course and welcome your wholistic investment as well. Committing to this offering is to accept invitation to a field and frequency of devotion, right relations and revelation. Your investment, as someone who is able to pay the full rate, allows me to make these classes available to more people. 

Low-Income Option:

The Low income option for Thresholds is $550 upfront or via a payment plan (more than 50% discount)

In my commitment to providing accessible and equitable work, I encourage people who have experienced systemic marginalization, are BIPOC, LGBTQ+ &/or would otherwise qualify for low-income services (food stamps, housing assistance etc) to sign up via this option.


As a participant in reparative justice, I offer a limited number of scholarships for Black, Indigenous, people of color, members of the LGBTQIAP2-S community, folx living with disabilities, or living with chronic illness, undocumented folx & youth. Here you can also make note if there is a sliding scale rate that would be accessible for you as compensation.This is first-come first-served, and based on the honor system. Please only fill out the form if you are experiencing financial hardship and part of one of those communities. Apply here

If you would like to sponsor more accessibility for this offering, please email me directly at

THRESHOLDS - Full Tuition
One time
For 4 months

This work supports Queer Brown & Indigenous intellectual labor, teaching and being. I am a nonbinary independent educator working against capitalism devaluation & exploitation. Further, as testified by my students, this is akin to a graduate level course but far more juicy! We go in depth in our studies, & I provide you with a plethora of resources to meaningfully engage your learning. This is an investment into your intuition, your overall well-being within the safe container of community.

Thresholds - Low Income Option
One time
For 4 months

The Low income option for Thresholds is $550 upfront or via a payment plan (more than 50% discount) In my commitment to providing accessible and equitable work, I encourage people who have experienced systemic marginalization, are BIPOC, LGBTQ+ &/or would otherwise qualify for low-income services (food stamps, housing assistance etc) to sign up via this option.

Interested in ongoing study? Check our my Red Reader class pass & save on 3 of my intensive tarot courses.

Learn more & sign up here.

Rather do some solo seeking?

No matter if live enrollment is open, you can always do some solo seeking with this stand-alone option. This is a bundle deal with the lectures, lecture transcripts slides, herbal associations, prompts and spreads from THRESHOLDS offered at a discounted rate. Available for immediate access upon purchase. You can also purchase individual lessons from each week of Thresholds via the workshop page here.

Thresholds Bundle Deal
One time

Do some solo seeking with this self-paced tarot course. Note this does NOT include the live class component. Gain access to all slides, lectures, herbal associations, prompts and spread PLUS extra resources available in the class portal only accessible here or through live enrollment. Transcripts included.