tEN[Z]- XZ

A Tarot Course in Transgressive Movement

March ‘25- March ‘26

A starry Study

March 2025 - March 2026, 3-5 Pm PST

Class Starts March 23th, 2025

“What are these celestial expressions and words? The words are the stars, the expressions are their composition, their order, their harmony, and their course. Consider how the way of preaching in the heavens is in accord with the style that Christ taught on earth. In both cases, it is a matter of sowing: the earth sown with wheat, the sky sown with stars. One must preach is if one were sowing, not as if one were paving or tilling. Ordered, but like the stars: Stellae manentes in ordine suo. All the stars are in order, but it is an order that inspires, not a laborious order. God did not make the heavens in the form of a checkerboard of stars, as preachers make a sermon a checkerboard of words.” - António Vieira

TENZ is a facilitated decan walk through the minor arcana of the tarot. This is a year-long guide into the minor arcana, using the tarot images as doorways into a depth understanding of the zodiac. This will deeply expand your consideration, regard and application of the minor arca, the decans and the major arcana “parents” of each the minor arcana / pip cards.

As is the tradition with decanic imagery, this course is an inspired re-interpretation of historical meaning through a modern textual application for the decolonial diviner. Decan history and application is ongoing. Here we’ll study a rich ritual calendar with four-millenia long collection of spirits and symbols to walk a peripatetic path toward individual determination, a path toward dignity that is queer in its self-determination.

TENZ is tarot as a movement practice, whereby as we walk together with agency we reclaim dignity lost at the intersections of white supremacy, capitalism and imperialism.

TENZ teaches tarot a system of syncretization, connecting the decanic history in live classes, to the critical co-investigation of the new cultural terrain we walk on, done with lectures for each class which are interpreted through various queer, and critical theory. This course is an unveiling of tarot, a summoning of wisdom distilled from the Sun’s serpentine journey through the zodiac, and an extending our tarot reading into an expanded critical literacy informed by the indigenous, feminist, and decolonial texts curated for this course.

TENZ is a borderlands course. It aims to fuse relationships by honoring a narrative tradition which creates poetic coherence out of a life of movement and fragmentation, as is the case when modern readers traverse dissociative linguistic, colonial, cultural, psychic and physical borders.

Class Format

TENZ teaches how the tarot can be used in a multidisciplinary mode, as well as an astrological calendar connecting the histories of our bodies in space and time. The critical texts accompanying the course inspire transformation of the cultural sites and societal institutions we interact with, inform and are informed by, by doing so in a collaborative community space. The lectures are meant to supply a critical terminology through the conceptual apparatus of the tarot. The live classes encourage a dialogue, contestation and coherence. The recorded lectures provide a modern application and reading, while the live classes will lean on the decanic history, student’s natal charts, traditional application and overall blended exploration.

The class is cut into 12 zodiacal units, following the cards / decans of the current zodiacal season, which cuts the zodiac down to a finer grain (36 distinct faces versus 12).

Each season consists of a pre-recorded lesson (about 1.5 hours each), and 2 live class (each approx. 2 hours each) to focus on integration and application. The lecture is accompanied by a downloadable presentation, which includes a summarized critical reading of the decans, journal / tarot prompts and tarot spreads for personal inquiry. Also provided are ancient translations of the decans for a well-rounded exploration and learning. There is an additional introductory live lecture on defining and explore decanic history and dignity. This is a primer to start our journey together. In total there are 37 (12 recorded, 25 (!) live) classes here offered.

Live sessions will take place between Thursdays and Fridays, twice a zodiac season, from 3-5 pm PT (though subject to change based upon the collective availability). These will be held via Zoom and are recorded for future reference, and to ensure students who can’t make it live, are kept current. Once enrolled you will gain access to the monthly lectures and presentations, and invitations to live classes, exclusive texts, and a private discord channel.


All About Love & Belonging: A Culture of Place by bell hooks ~ Eros and Civilization by Herbert Marcuse ~ Feminism Without Borders by Chandra Talpade Mohanty ~ Red Skin White Masks by Glen Sean Coulthard ~ The Fantasy Bond by Robert W. Firestone ~ Theories of the Flesh by Julie Avril Minich ~ Making Face, Making Soul, Haciendo Caras edited by Gloria Anzaldúa ~ The Inner Reaches of Outer Space by Joseph Campbell ~ And The Category Is…Inside New York’s Vogue House, and Ballroom Community by Rick Tucker ~36 Faces by Austin Coppock ~ 36 Secrets by T. Susan Chang and more!

Retake this course?
Retaking this course from the beginning will reset all of your tracked progress.

Year 1

of a

2-Year Stellar Program

The first year, XZ, is focused on reading, and learning both the tarot and the decans. XZy2, shifts the emphasis to writing. XZY2 will alternatively give space for student presentations of their own decan artistic attunings and uncoverings as well as medieval Islamicate timing techniques. Amidst the natal charts of our own cohorts we will study solar revolutions, fidaria, monthly profections, annual profections, secondary progressions, heliacal rising and setting stars. I further aim to deeper integrate limipia tools and techniques such as candle work, reading the flame, and barridas. Please note this is only available to students who have completed TENZ year 1 (XZ). Learn more about year 2 here.

 Course schedule

  • Orientations - Class 1

    March 23th, 3-5 pm pst.

    updated due to travel

    History, Syncretization, Cards of the Chart

    Aries 1 - Class 2

    March 27th, 3-5pm pst

    Tarot: 2-4 Wands


    Making Face, Making Soul, Haciendo Caras edited by Gloria Anzalúa 

    P. 51-64, 36 Faces, P. 1-11, 36 Secrets

    Aries 2 - Class 3

    April 17th 3-5pm

    Integration & Aries in the Chart

  • Taurus 1 - Class 4

    May 1 - 3-5pm pst

    Tarot: 5-7 Pentacles


    Theories of the Flesh by Julie Avril Minich

    P. 69-80, 36 Faces, P. 17-30, 36 Secrets

    Taurus 2 - Class 5

    May 15 3-5 pm pst

    Integration & Taurus in our Charts

  • Gemini 1 - Class 6

    May 22 - 3-5 pm

    Tarot: 8-10 Swords

    Reading: Trick Mirror: Reflections on Self-Delusion By Jia Tolentino

    P. 86-97, 36 Faces,  P. 36-49, 36 Secrets

    Gemini 2 - Class 7

    June 5, 3-5pm pst

    Integration & Gemini in our Charts

  • Cancer 1 - Class 8

    June 20 - 3-5pm pst (note shift to Fridays)

    Tarot: 2-4 Cups

    Reading: The Fantasy Bond by Robert W. Firestone

    P. 103-115, 36 Faces,  P. 56-71, 36 Secrets

    Cancer 2 - Class 9

    July 11 - 3-5pm pst

    Integration & Cancer in our Charts

  • Leo 1 - Class 10

    July 25 - 3-5pm pst

    Tarot: 5-7 Wands

    Reading: And The Category Is….Inside New York’s Vogue, House, and Ballroom Community by Ricky Tucker

    P. 121-133, 36 Faces,  P. 80-95, 36 Secrets

    Leo 2 - Class 11

    August 8 - 3-5pm pst

    Integration & Leo in our Charts

  • Virgo 1 - Class 12

    August 22 - 3-5pm pst

    Tarot: 8-10 of Pentacles

    Text: The Sense of Brown, José Esteban Muñoz

    P. 138-150, 36 Faces,  P. 104-118, 36 Secrets

    Virgo 2 - Class 13

    Sept 5 - 3-5pm pst

    Integration & Virgo in our Charts

  • Libra 1 - Class 14

    Sept 26 - 3-5pm pst

    Tarot: 2-4 of Swords


    All About Love, by bell hooks

    P. 156-168, 36 Faces, P. 134- 150, 36 Secrets

    Libra 2 - Class 15

    Oct. 10 - 3-5pm pst

    Integration & Libra in our Charts

  • Scorpio 1 - Class 16

    Oct 24 - 3-5 pm, pst

    Tarot: 5-7 Cups


    Eros and Civilization by Herbert Marcuse

    P. 174-186, 36 Faces,  P. 150-168, 36 Secrets

    Scorpio 2 - Class 17

    Nov 14 3-5pm pst

    Integration & Scorpio in our Charts

  • Sag 1 - Class 18

    Nov 21 - 3-5pm pst

    Tarot: 8-10 Wands

    Reading: Feminism Without Borders by Chandra Talpade Mohanty

    P. 192-204, 36 Faces,  P. 175-189, 36 Secrets

    Sag 2 - Class 19

    Dec 12 - 3-5pm pst

    Integration & Sagittarius in our Charts

  • Capricorn 1 - Class 20

    December 21 - 3-5pm pst (Note shift to Sunday, tentative date based on Holidays)

    Tarot: 2-4 Pentacles

    Reading: Belonging: A Culture of Place by bell hooks

    P. 210-221, 36 Faces,  P. 196-211, 36 Secrets

    Capricorn 2 - Class 21

    Jan- 16, 3-5pm pst

    Integration & Capricorn in our Charts

  • Aquarius 1 - Class 22

    Jan. 23 - 3-5pm pst

    Tarot: 5-7 Swords


    Red Skin White Masks by Glen Sean Coulthard

    P. 226-238, 36 Faces, P. 219-238, 36 Secrets

    Aquarius 2 - Class 23

    Feb 13 - 3-5pm pst

    Integration & Aquarius in our Charts

  • Pisces 1 - Class 24

    Feb. 20 3-5pm pst

    Tarot: 8-10 Cups

    Reading: The Inner Reaches of Outer Space by Joseph Campbell

    P. 244-258, 36 Faces,  P. 247-263, 36 Secrets

    Pisces 2 - Class 25

    March 13 - 3-5pm pst

    Integration & Pisces in our Charts

Student Testimonial:

"TENZ, the year-long decanic walk of the minor arcana was insightful, liberating, and healing. The way Christopher teaches tarot and astrology through a queer, feminist, and ecological (to name a few) frameworks is extraordinary. It felt like some of my favorite critical theory classes mixed with spiritual development and group therapy - all things I admire deeply. The synchronicities were really felt throughout this process and Christopher's teachings influenced me to feel the planets' transit(s) or placement(s) in the decans in a much richer way. Along the way, I was able to connect with and learn from others who shared such beautiful, poetic experiences and delineations. This would have only been possible through Christopher's careful curation of textual pairing and witnessing/space-holding despite a virtual setting. I highly recommend working with Christopher whether it be for a reading or a workshop/class and look forward to seeing more of their brilliant work in the future." - Alex H., a recent graduate from TENZ year 1.


  • Forever! You’ll have 24/7 access to all course content as it’s released and a copy of your live cohort!

  • Payment plans are available!

    (scroll below to sign up)

    Feel free to email with any other questions you may have about this course.

  • While I am excited about all of the curated texts for this course, I understand that students may not be able to afford or keep up with the reading pace of the course per season. Thus you will be more than welcome and able to participate by listening and reviewing the accompanying lectures & slides. These provided resources link the decan with the accompanying text and may inspire a deeper decanic consideration / application for the decolonial practitioner.

    I would recommend getting T. Susan Chang’s 36 Secrets as a primary resource for your decan walk.

  • Yes, this course is designed for you! The decans are a foundational aspect of learning astrology and this will give depth insight into the beginnings of horoscopic astrology and the processes of each sign. Further, how and where these signs function in your chart!

    By the end of the course you will be able to give an astrology reading using only your tarot cards ✨💫

Tuition Options

Full Tuition:

The full cost of TENZ is $2,400 upfront or via a payment plan. You may have noticed a noticeable increase in tuition and after some students encouragement, I have decided to offer this course at this rate, but with some more options for communal accessibility.

This work supports Queer Brown & Indigenous intellectual labor, teaching and being. I am a nonbinary, independent educator working against capitalism devaluation and exploitation. Further, as testified by my students, this is akin to a graduate level course but far more juicy! This work is one-of-a-kind, and we go far deeper in our studies than you may find elsewhere, including collegiate institutions (which also have included my work as part of doctorate curriculum), and I provide you with a plethora of resources to meaningfully engage your learning. 

This is an investment into your intuition, and your overall well-being within the safe container of community. I have invested my Spirit, education, and experience into this course and welcome your wholistic investment as well. Committing to this offering is to accept invitation to a field and frequency of devotion, right relations and revelation. Your investment, as someone who is able to pay the full rate, allows me to make these classes available to more people. 

Low-Income Option:

The Low income option for TENZ is $1020 upfront or via a payment plan (more than 50% discount)

In my commitment to providing accessible and equitable work, I encourage people who have experienced systemic marginalization, are BIPOC, LGBTQ+ &/or would otherwise qualify for low-income services (food stamps, housing assistance etc) to sign up via this option.

Study the Stars with me:

A starry Study - Full Tuition
One time
For 12 months

Year 1 of a starry study. You are sure to establish a tarot practice that is anchored in astrological historic cosmic coherence. It will make your divination practice much more nuanced. Each month we cover everyone’s chart one house, one planet and placement at a time, providing ongoing counseling, collaborative consideration, and cathartic ritual. Full up-front discounted tuition: $850. Payment plans: monthly payments of $75 (totaling $900 tuition)

TEN[Z] - XZ - Low Income Option
One time
For 12 months

Year 1 of a starry study. You are sure to establish a tarot practice that is anchored in astrological historic cosmic coherence. It will make your divination practice much more nuanced. Each month we cover everyone’s chart one house, one planet and placement at a time, providing ongoing counseling, collaborative consideration, and cathartic ritual. Full up-front discounted tuition: $850. Payment plans: monthly payments of $75 (totaling $900 tuition)

Want Self-Paced Solo Study?

Do Your Own Solo Decan Walk With The Aid Of This Evergreen Bundle Deal Below:

TENZ Lecture Bundle Deal
One time

Ready to do a self-paced walk down the star-studded runway? Get access to all of the TENZ lectures / workbooks with this bundle deal and do a decan walk of dignity all your own. Note this does not include the live class component