TENZ: Aries

Happy Equinox!

May we celebrate the rebirth of life. May we summon the bravery to forge our authentic path in the world. let us make authentic relationships and meaningful communal relations and creations. Below is my coding of the cards against Austin Coppock’s, the lecture and slides:

Aries 1 / 2 of Wands / The Double-Sided Axe / The Oppositional Imagination

Aries 2 / 3 of Wands / The Crown / The Decision to Disorient

Aries 3 / 4 of Wands / The Rose Aflame / Coalition Building

Click image to access slides and listen along to lecture

Live Slides with ancient descriptions Here

Click image to access Ali A Olomi’s newest translations!

Our teaching / recommended text is Making Face, Making Soul Haciendo Caras: Creative and Critical Perspectives by Feminists of Color, edited by Gloria Anzaldúa.


Resources :D


TENZ: Taurus