Thresholds Week 10
This is a lesson via lecture and slides on the Wheel of Fortune, Judgment, the World and the Elemental Tens. Includes herbal associations, journal prompts and spread suggestion. Transcripts for lecture included.
Learn about the threshold of soul evolution, community emplacement / displacement and the individuals return to the collective.
This is a lesson via lecture and slides on the Wheel of Fortune, Judgment, the World and the Elemental Tens. Includes herbal associations, journal prompts and spread suggestion. Transcripts for lecture included.
Learn about the threshold of soul evolution, community emplacement / displacement and the individuals return to the collective.
This is a lesson via lecture and slides on the Wheel of Fortune, Judgment, the World and the Elemental Tens. Includes herbal associations, journal prompts and spread suggestion. Transcripts for lecture included.
Learn about the threshold of soul evolution, community emplacement / displacement and the individuals return to the collective.