Thresholds Week 3
This is a lesson via lecture and slides on the Empress, Death, the Queens, and The Elemental Threes. Includes herbal associations, journal prompts and spread suggestion. Transcripts for lecture included.
Learn about home, belonging, internal sovereignty, the Mother and her dark face, the darkness of manifestation and renewal.
This is a lesson via lecture and slides on the Empress, Death, the Queens, and The Elemental Threes. Includes herbal associations, journal prompts and spread suggestion. Transcripts for lecture included.
Learn about home, belonging, internal sovereignty, the Mother and her dark face, the darkness of manifestation and renewal.
This is a lesson via lecture and slides on the Empress, Death, the Queens, and The Elemental Threes. Includes herbal associations, journal prompts and spread suggestion. Transcripts for lecture included.
Learn about home, belonging, internal sovereignty, the Mother and her dark face, the darkness of manifestation and renewal.